Tested on Alpha board
Interp Scala Clojure OCaml gcc g++ PythonPerl Ruby 1.9.2 (KidsRuby)
Expected to work
Java Eclipse Tcl/Tk Lazarus (maybe) BoaConstructor Anjuta for C/C++ Dev-C++ CodeBlocks Lua BBC BASICmdfs.net ROOL wiki,
Small Basic Squeak implementation of Smalltalk Processing Other BASIC variants common to Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora etc. are all likely to work fine, including:
basic256 - educational BASIC programming environment for children bwbasic - Bywater BASIC Interpreter sdlbasic - BASIC interpreter for game development yabasic - Yet Another BASIC interpreter
Graphical Programming
Gambas - possibly a good choice; easy like old visual basic Scratch Alice Android App InventorKoduStar Logo PrimerLabs CodeHero
Lego MindstormsKTurtle and other Logo/turtle graphics (The IO board supports motor drive outputs)
Sugar Learning Platform: An alternative to the Desktop metaphor of the GUIFrinkGAViewerGeoGebracodecademy.com