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【已解决】omxplayer 只有声音没有图像输出

发表于 2013-1-15 00:07:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 风之紫 于 2013-1-15 00:29 编辑

问题:没有显示器,我用vnc登录上pi了,在终端用omxplayer播放mp4 文件只有声音没有弹出图像界面,在/boot/config.txt中gpu_mem=96,难道96还不够吗?之前是64, pi 和root都己经加进video组里了,固件也是经过了rpi-update了的。

log 都正常,我想应该是没有授权导致的。
omxplayer -o local file.mp4
file : file.mp4 result 13 format mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 audio streams 1 video streams 1 chapters 0 subtitles 0
Aspect : num 0 den 1 aspect 0.000000 display aspect 1.500000
Video codec omx-h264 width 720 height 404 profile 100 fps 23.976025
Audio codec aac channels 2 samplerate 48000 bitspersample 16
Subtitle count : 0 state off : index 0
strg-c catched

have a nice day ;)

00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllBcm: Using omx system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllOMX: Using omx system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllAvFormat: Using libavformat system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllAvUtilBase: Using libavutil system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllAvCodec: Using libavcodec system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllAvFormat: Using libavformat system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllOMX: Using omx system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.clock input port 80 output port 81
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllAvUtilBase: Using libavutil system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllAvCodec: Using libavcodec system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllAvFormat: Using libavformat system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllOMX: Using omx system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: Previous line repeats 5 times.
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.video_decode input port 130 output port 131
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllOMX: Using omx system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.video_render input port 90 output port 90
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllOMX: Using omx system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.video_scheduler input port 10 output port 11
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllOMX: Using omx system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.text_scheduler input port 150 output port 151
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.video_decode) - port(130), nBufferCountMin(1), nB$
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.text_scheduler) - port(150), nBufferCountMin(1), $
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocOutputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.text_scheduler) - port(151), nBufferCountMin(1),$
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: COMXVideo::Open - decoder_component(0x0x1167f00), input_port(0x82), output_port(0x83) deinterlace 0 hdmiclock$
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: OMXThread::Create - Thread with id 1154196576 started
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllAvUtilBase: Using libavutil system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllAvCodec: Using libavcodec system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllAvFormat: Using libavformat system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllAvUtilBase: Using libavutil system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllAvCodec: Using libavcodec system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllOMX: Using omx system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllAvUtilBase: Using libavutil system library
00:00:00 T:0    INFO: CPCMRemap: I channel map: FL,FR
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->nPortIndex     : 0
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->eNumData       : 0
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->eEndian        : 1
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->bInterleaved   : 1
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->nBitPerSample  : 16
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->ePCMMode       : 0
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->nChannels      : 2
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->nSamplingRate  : 48000
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLF
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRF
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllOMX: Using omx system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.audio_render input port 100 output port 100
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllOMX: Using omx system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.audio_decode input port 120 output port 121
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: DllOMX: Using omx system library
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.audio_mixer input port 232 output port 231
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.audio_decode) - port(120), nBufferCountMin(4), nB$
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: COMXAudio::Initialize Ouput bps 16 samplerate 48000 channels 2 device local buffer size 384000 bytes per seco$
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: COMXAudio::Initialize Input bps 16 samplerate 48000 channels 2 device local buffer size 384000 bytes per seco$
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: OMXThread::Create - Thread with id 1162753120 started
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->nPortIndex     : 232
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->eNumData       : 0
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->eEndian        : 1
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->bInterleaved   : 1
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->nBitPerSample  : 16
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->ePCMMode       : 0
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->nChannels      : 2
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->nSamplingRate  : 48000
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLF
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRF
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->nPortIndex     : 100
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->eNumData       : 0
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->eEndian        : 1
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->bInterleaved   : 1
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->nBitPerSample  : 16
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->ePCMMode       : 0
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->nChannels      : 2
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: pcm->nSamplingRate  : 48000
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: OMX_AUDIO_ChannelLF
00:00:00 T:0   DEBUG: OMX_AUDIO_ChannelRF

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-15 00:10:19 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-1-15 00:23:01 | 显示全部楼层
pi 和root 用户都已经加进video 组里了
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-15 10:32:25 | 显示全部楼层
回复 支持 反对

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-22 01:10:04 | 显示全部楼层
回复 支持 反对

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发表于 2013-2-13 20:09:51 | 显示全部楼层
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