期待高人 将freenas用在 pi上。(概念错误。。。)
Yes, you can use the Pi as a NAS server. |
But not FreeNAS per se: FreeNAS is built on a flavour of BSD, not Linux, and as far as I know, no ports of any *BSD in general, nor FreeNAS in particular, are planned. |
So you\\'ll have to build your NAS starting from scratch, from a regular Linux distro which is a little more work. Also, the Pi does not have very good I/O (everything goes through a single USB2 port, even on the model B), so don\\'t expect high performance nor high capacity. Anything beyond 1 disk (USB2 only) and 2-3 users will be very iffy. |
There are a few topics about it on this forum already... Things will progress once we have actual hardware in our hands ^^ |