

Raspberry Pi and Arduino

steven 发表于 2012-5-8 01:49:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Raspberry Pi and Arduino
Posted on May 7, 2012 by liz
        We’ve been a bit sad to see some people who are very passionate about the Arduino community coming down quite hard on the Raspberry Pi project as the Big Bad, suggesting that we’re trying to encroach on Arduino’s territory and offering unfair competition. It’s really not the case; we think Arduino is a marvellous thing, and we don’t feel the two are comparable – you’ll be using them for different things. Arduino uses a microcontroller; Raspberry Pi uses an applications processor. There are some things a Raspberry Pi is better for (you can hook a Raspi up to a TV, for example), and loads of things an Arduino is more suited to. But we feel very strongly that there’s a good potential marriage between the Arduinos you might have in your drawer at home, and your Raspberry Pi, which you can use to drive them. And it looks like we’re not the only people to come to that conclusion.

        Simon Monk has been getting his Raspberry Pi and Arduino talking using Python. There are instructions on his blog, which seasoned Arduino hackers should find easy enough to follow.
        Meanwhile, Omer is working on a new device called Ponte, which acts as a bridge between Raspberry Pi and Arduino or its shields. You can either use it as a link between your Arduino and your Raspberry Pi, or use it to connect Arduino shields directly to your Raspi. This is incredibly exciting for us, given the enormous range of shields that are out there in the ecosystem already (I think the number stands at about 280 at the moment). It’s currently in development, and it’ll be open hardware when he’s done with it. Prototype schematics and layout are on his website already; do go and have a look.
        Ultimately, we hope that successful sales of Raspberry Pi will encourage people to buy Arduinos too, and vice versa: the two have what I believe business school-types call “good synergy”. (I’m making choking noises. I do not like that term at all.)  So here’s to a happy partnership between the two boards – I hope they’ll be good friends!
        我们已经看到有些非常热爱Arduino社区的人对败落于相当努力的Raspberry PI项目有点难过,这是一个坏消息,表明我们正视图侵占Arduino的领域以及提供了不正当竞争。这真的不是事实,我们认为Arduino是一个了不起的事物,我们不觉得这两者具有可比性——你将会用它们做不同的事情。Arduino使用的是微控制器;Raspberry PI使用的是应用处理器。例如你能用Raspberry PI更好的连接到电视,而Arduino则更适合加载某些任务。我们强烈认为你家抽屉里的Arduino与Raspberr PI之间有着巨大的相结合的潜能,你的Raspberr PI可以使用该驱动。而我们不是唯一想到这个结论的人。
        西蒙已经越来越谈论到他的Raspberr PI和Arduino使用Python了。他的博客上有说明,其中经验丰富的Arduino骇客应该很容易遵循他的说明。
        同时,Omer正工作在一个叫做Ponte的设备上,它可以充当Raspberry PI和Arduino的桥梁或防御。你可以使用它作为你的Arduino和Raspberry PI之间的链接,或使用它连接Arduino来直接防御你的Raspberry PI。这对我们来说是难以置信的兴奋,因为外部的生态系统防御被给予了巨大的范围,我认为到目前为止该数量已升至280。他目前在开发中,当他完成时它将被开放硬件。他的网站上已经有圆形结构图和布局;可以去看一看。
        最终,我们希望成功的销售Raspberry PI将会鼓励人们买Arduino,反之亦然:我相信商业学校称之为“良好的协同效应”。(我听到了我哽咽的声音,我一点儿也不喜欢这个词。)所以这里有一个两个主板之间的快乐伙伴关系——我希望它们将会成为好朋友!
cjskeleton 发表于 2012-5-8 20:29:01 | 显示全部楼层
steven  楼主| 发表于 2012-5-9 00:10:20 | 显示全部楼层

回 cjskeleton 的帖子

cjskeleton:辛苦了  (2012-05-08 20:29) 
wcg659377727 发表于 2012-5-9 09:28:36 | 显示全部楼层
我是个门外汉 虽然不太懂 但还是感谢楼主的翻译
steven  楼主| 发表于 2012-5-13 01:17:27 | 显示全部楼层

回 wcg659377727 的帖子

wcg659377727:我是个门外汉 虽然不太懂 但还是感谢楼主的翻译  (2012-05-09 09:28) 
linux0ne 发表于 2012-10-12 22:15:58 | 显示全部楼层
Omer正工作在一个叫做Ponte的设备上  —— 产业链   


duck48 发表于 2012-10-23 01:07:19 | 显示全部楼层
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