[搬运自E14]RPi的GPIO扩展板--Gertboard Kit
The GertboardTM is an add-on board that extends the use of Raspberry Pi to devices in the real world, including motor/lamp control, and the sensing of voltages and currents. It also contains a host micro that can be programmed with code written and compiled for it, on the Raspberry Pi. The GertboardTM Kit contains the bareboard PCB and electronic components that allow you to self assemble your own GertboardTM.
It comes with a large variety of components, including buttons, LEDs, A/D and D/A converters, a motor controller, and an Atmel AVR microcontroller. There is a suite of test/example programs for the GertboardTM, written in C. , which is freely available from below Design Elements. The GertboardTM Kit is supported by a number of videos featuring Gert van Loo, creator of the GertboardTM and Paul Gibbon from Weller.These video materials demonstrate how to solder through hole and surface mount components onto the GertboardTM. 对不起大家,这个帖子已经有人发过了。