bjl 发表于 2023-9-21 11:21:03


/home/wxzCommand finished with exit code 0Rsync command 'rsync' was not found neither in local PATH nor as full executable pathStarting introspection for Python...> echo ${SHELL}/bin/bashCommand finished with exit code 0> /usr/bin/which python3/etc/profile:行4: id:未找到命令/etc/profile: 第 4 行:[: :需要整数表达式/usr/local/bin/python3Command finished with exit code 0> echo ${HOME}/etc/profile:行4: id:未找到命令/etc/profile: 第 4 行:[: :需要整数表达式/home/wxzCommand finished with exit code 0
“Python interpreter process exited with a non-zero exit code 127”“bash:行1: env:未找到命令”
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查看完整版本: windows远程连接树莓派