树莓派(raspberry pi)第一版ROOT Filesystem发布下载
刚刚浏览RASPBERRY PI官方发现首个树莓派ROOT Filesystem系统文件已经发布,并提供下载地址。别看原文说了那么多,就是说可能下载量会很大,服务器做了些限制,感谢XXX提供宽带、服务器、维护之类的。
I need to start this post with a huge thank you to Webfusion, who have donated a server to the Raspberry Pi Foundation for downloads; and to Liam Fraser, who is administering it for us (at the same time as filming Raspberry Pi tutorials, doing exams and generally being a busy and fantastic volunteer).
Because we anticipate an awful lot of download traffic, we’re having to limit the number of direct HTTP downloads which are available so our shiny new server doesn’t fall over under the strain. We would strongly encourage you to torrent the images instead. After a certain number of HTTP downloads have been made, all the disc images you’ll download from us will only be available as torrents, so you’ll need to install a client like BitTorrent before you start so you can download the files. It goes without saying, but if you torrent the image, please help us out by seeding.
This disc image is not the one we expect people to be using as standard (that’s from Fedora, and has some other exciting stuff bundled with it, which we hope to be putting up over the next few days). It’s the Cambridge reference filesystem, which is a fully functional Debian Squeeze installation containing LXDE (desktop) and Midori (browser); development tools; and sample code for accessing the multimedia functionality on the device. 翻译如下: 马马虎虎大家凑合看 不对的地方请指正
写这篇文章的同时,非常感谢给Raspberry Pi 基金会捐赠下载服务器的Webfusion 和 我们的管理员 Liam fraser(拍摄了Raspberry Pi 介绍片,正在通过考核成为一名忙碌出色的志愿者)(貌似是这个意思哈,我也看不太懂。。。)
因为预计下载流量将会会非常大,所以我们限制了HTTP直接下载的连接数,因此我们的新服务器不会因为压力太大垮掉。我们非常非常推荐您使用BT种子代替直接下载。当有一定数量的镜像通过http直接下载后,您将只能从我们这里获得所有镜像文件的种子,因此您有必要在下载之前安装BT客户端(比如 bitcomet 比特彗星 BitTorrent 迅雷等等). 同样你懂得,下载完之后记得帮我们分流。
这个磁盘映像不是我们期望大家当作标准系统来使用的(标准映像像是来自Fedora的,晚几天提供, 它带有一些我们希望提供的令人期待的东西)。这个系统映像来自剑桥推荐的,是一个安装了LXDE(桌面) 和 Midori(浏览器),以及开发工具 和一些访问多媒体功能示例代码全能的Debian "Squeeze" 。 谢谢 谢谢 下载一下回头装上 不能下载啊,怎么回事