Raspberry Pi 官方公布 Mode B 相关原理图 共5张
Raspberry Pi 官方公布 Mode B的相关原理图表,共5张。分别是:
Raspberry Pi POWER INPUT & OSC
Raspberry Pi HDMI SD Card,composite & Audio
Raspberry Pi Ethernet & USB
Raspberry Pi USER I/O
Raspberry Pi Build Options/PCB layout instructions.
Now that there are Raspberry Pi boards in the wild, we thought it would be a good time to share our schematics with the world. In addition to giving you an idea of how the device works internally, these should also provide the information you need to build add-on boards which attach to the GPIO expansion connector and (in due course) the display and camera connectors. 开放芯片的datasheet吧,,,,,,,,[
] 嗯,要是能买到CPU就好了 datasheet 在e盟还是那啥的网页上有的,描了一眼,ms还留了不少的gpio 收下了,不错的东东。
回 panard 的帖子
panard:datasheet 在e盟还是那啥的网页上有的,描了一眼,ms还留了不少的gpio (2012-04-20 18:04) images/back.gif方便大伙二次开发吧 不错的东西